Clubhouses around the world have been proven to improve the lives of individuals living with serious mental illness. As a SAMSHA, evidence based program, Clubhouses that work with and follow the Clubhouse International standards have shown to have a profoundly positive impact on an individuals recovery.
Decrease in Hospitalizations
A significant decrease in hospitalizations as a result of membership in a Clubhouse program.
De Masso, Avi-Itzak and Obler (2001)
Reduced Inccarcerations
Reduced incarcerations, with criminal justice system involvement substantially diminished during and after Clubhouse psycho-social program membership
Johnson and Hickey (1999)
Better Employment Rate
Better employment rates, 42% at Accredited Clubhouses annually – double the average rate for people in the public mental health system, plus longer on-the-job tenure for members engaging in Clubhouse Transitional Employment.
1 Macias, Kinney and Rodican (1995).
Cost Effective
Cost effectiveness, one year of holistic recovery services are delivered to Clubhouse members for the same cost as a 2-week stay at a psychiatric hospital. The cost of Clubhouses estimated to be one-third of the cost of the IPS model; about half the annual costs of Community Mental Health Centers; and substantially less than the ACT model.
McKay, Yates, and Johnsen (2005); IPS model reported by Clark et al (1998); ACT model reported by Macias et al (2001)
Overall Well-Being
Improved Well-Being compared with individuals receiving psychiatric services without Clubhouse membership. Clubhouse members were significantly more likely to report that they had close friendships and someone they could rely on when they needed help.
Warner, Huxley and Berg (1999)
Enhanced Mental & Physical Health
Better physical and mental health: a recent study suggests that service systems like Clubhouses that offer ongoing social supports enhance mental and physical health by reducing disconnectedness.
Leff and colleagues (2004)
The International Standards for Clubhouse Programs™, agreed upon by all our member Clubhouses, define the Clubhouse Model of rehabilitation.
Every two years the worldwide Clubhouse community reviews these Standards and amends them as necessary. The process is coordinated by the Clubhouse International Standards Review Committee, made up of members and staff from Accredited Clubhouses around the world.